Sites & cities that bear the name of Chagar Bazar

Chagar Bazar

Today in : Syrian Arab Republic
First trace of activity : ca. 6,000 B.C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 20th century B.C.E
Recorded names : Šagir Bazar, تل شاغربازار, Asnakkum

Description : Chagar Bazar (Šagir Bazar, Arabic: تل شاغربازار) is a tell, or settlement mound, in northern Syria. Chagar Bazar was already settled in the Neolithic. Excavations revealed pottery belonging to the Halaf and Ubaid cultures. By the Early Bronze Age, in the third millennium BC, Chagar Bazar had turned into a small town with the size of 12 hectares / 30 acres. The site appears to have been abandoned by the end of the third millennium BC. It was resettled and was known as Asnakkum at the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age. Hurrians also occupied the city and fine examples of the Khabur ware pottery dating to this period have been discovered by the excavators.

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